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1 增加边框

1.1 样式表增加边框

1.2 QPaint 增加边框

2 QFrame 增加边框


图片来自 doc.qt.ip

    enum Shape {
        NoFrame  = 0, // no frame
        Box = 0x0001, // rectangular box
        Panel = 0x0002, // rectangular panel
        WinPanel = 0x0003, // rectangular panel (Windows)
        HLine = 0x0004, // horizontal line
        VLine = 0x0005, // vertical line
        StyledPanel = 0x0006 // rectangular panel depending on the GUI style
    enum Shadow {
        Plain = 0x0010, // plain line
        Raised = 0x0020, // raised shadow effect
        Sunken = 0x0030 // sunken shadow effect

    enum StyleMask {
        Shadow_Mask = 0x00f0, // mask for the shadow
        Shape_Mask = 0x000f // mask for the shape

    Shape frameShape() const;
    void setFrameShape(Shape);
    Shadow frameShadow() const;
    void setFrameShadow(Shadow);

    int lineWidth() const;
    void setLineWidth(int);

    int midLineWidth() const;
    void setMidLineWidth(int);

QFramelineWidth, midLineWidth, shadow, shape 属性组合构成的 Qt 基本控件的外框,上图展示了他们任意组合可以构成各种边框。
自己搭配这几个属性不搞样式表或者 QPaint 也可实现想要的效果。比如: Box+Plain+1